26. 尼巴(nypa22) 2002/12/10 22:33:59
國富民強,馬桶搞齊了再說富吧!人民連抽水馬桶都沒有,還富甚麼? 台灣可是80%以上的家庭,都有兩套衛浴設備的!台灣可從來沒說自己富! 只願和進步且富裕的中國統一!
27. 卡爾馬(kama8888) 2002/12/11 21:15:38
拼經濟不是打籃球 八仙過海各顯神通
馬桶? 還以為是什麼大事情 該有的都會有
記住 馬桶只是表面 城市排污系統才是重點 高高樹上結檳榔誰先爬上誰先嘗小哥哥採檳榔小妹妹提籃抬頭望 只願和進步且富裕的中國統一!
25. 卡爾馬(kama8888) 2002/12/10 21:49:12
你還是搞不清大陸概念 概念是13億人口,美國相當的面積 若果是GNP10000的話就相當於幾個美國了 還不是強和富嗎 GNP只是其中一個標準 不是唯一的 你腦子就裝不下其他的嗎? 高高樹上結檳榔誰先爬上誰先嘗小哥哥採檳榔小妹妹提籃抬頭望
26. 尼巴(nypa22) 2002/12/10 22:33:59
國富民強,馬桶搞齊了再說富吧!人民連抽水馬桶都沒有,還富甚麼? 台灣可是80%以上的家庭,都有兩套衛浴設備的!台灣可從來沒說自己富! 只願和進步且富裕的中國統一!
27. 卡爾馬(kama8888) 2002/12/11 21:15:38
拼經濟不是打籃球 八仙過海各顯神通
馬桶? 還以為是什麼大事情 該有的都會有
記住 馬桶只是表面 城市排污系統才是重點 高高樹上結檳榔誰先爬上誰先嘗小哥哥採檳榔小妹妹提籃抬頭望
28. canadagoose(canadagoose) 2002/12/11 22:09:47
oh ! yaah !
sewer system !
ever heard of "sewer system" ?
2 days ago, i read a report - 7% !
only 7% in we taiwan - not 80% !
weird !
how 80% can work under 7% ?
29. 香港ren(chinahkren) 2002/12/12 08:40:27
maybe without any treatment flow into rivers flow into the sea just like many small cities in mainland china
underground system cost too much local government chief don't like to do this undergroud means none can see his performance construction will take very long time but political parties shift time is short make money come frist election come very frist who care undergroud system 有前有後 打死罷就
30. 尼巴(nypa22) 2002/12/12 09:18:04
那麼每年有多少外國人,偷渡到上海,躲在餐館洗盤子? 每年有多少外國人,偷渡到中國,委身惡劣環境,忍耐多年,只為取得中華人民共和國的護照? 只願和進步且富裕的中國統一!
31. canadagoose(canadagoose) 2002/12/12 10:38:04
7% ! i was talking about 7% ! "sewer system" !
do you know what "sewer system" is ?
by the way, wash the dishes ? in america ? its not we chinese job ! do you know ? do you know why "thanksgiving" ? it was europeans in north america no food to eat ! and it is they are now american main stream ! money ! a lot of money ! power ! a lot of power ! and they dominate america ! they dominate the world !
32. 卡爾馬(kama8888) 2002/12/12 20:50:04
臺灣錢多 卻沒有用在民生的改善 下水道工程沒有人關心
大陸人逃海 賺錢就回鄉享受 說明大陸是能享受的地方 人口太多 賺快錢誰都想
33. 香港ren(chinahkren) 2002/12/13 08:30:22 nypa
please say something
we like to know
sewerage system, the best is eruope country, u.s.a and Japan
how is it in taiwan
taiwan sewarage system is still working?
any treatment before go into river or go into sea?
有前有後 打死罷就
34. canadagoose(canadagoose) 2002/12/13 09:46:18
i don't think nypa knows anothing about "sewerage system".
to nypa, it not mecessary - as long as you have "lavatory" - the more the better - 80% of we taiwan families have at least 2 sets of lavatories in their own house - 80%, hur, hur, hur.
i pay my electic bill, phone bill, gas bill, water bill, property tax bill....... every month.
oh ! i pay "sewer system" "clean up & maintenance" bill to the city every month too.
sewer system ! damn ! who needs it !
as long as i can enjoy "fresh air" & "clean water" - what i care !?
35. 卡爾馬(kama8888) 2002/12/13 21:52:06
急性腦膜炎 - 死了幾個阿兵哥
腸病毒 - 死了幾個小寶寶
登革熱 - 病例二千多宗
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